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تعداد صفحه7
SAS® Financial Management
Because of the diverse economic and regulatory pressures that companies face, many finance executives worry that their current reporting and planning systems won't be able to deliver the necessary transparency or instill appropriate confidence in stakeholders.
And because global organizations store financial data in disparate, geographically dispersed source systems, some using different accounting and reporting standards, it is difficult to organize data into a central repository and even more difficult to report and analyze comparative results. Moreover, the planning and budgeting process within many companies consumes an excessive number of costly resources and often provides little value for management.
SAS Financial Management improves the accuracy, relevance and timeliness of financial plans, budgets and reports while promoting the alignment and execution of strategy. This solution uses the integrity, analytic power and scalability of the SAS Intelligence Platform to facilitate flexible, strategic financial and operational planning within a collaborative environment – across the entire enterprise. Using SAS Financial Management, organizations can more effectively analyze and manage the true drivers of shareholder value in relation to strategy in real time.
SAS Financial Management includes two integrated functional components:
- Planning – allows finance executives and other key finance department personnel to embed advanced SAS analytics into budgets and plans for more accurate forecasting of future operating results.
- Financial reporting – provides the unique capability to consolidate multidimensional information on demand while performing all financial calculations relevant to the reporting and planning processes, thereby enabling companies to close their books more rapidly.
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