مقاله The Use of Camera Traps for Monitoring the Population of Long-Tailed Gorals
تعداد صفحه : 8
زبان : انگلیسی
منبع : sciencedirect
مقاله The Use of Camera Traps for Monitoring the Population of Long-Tailed Gorals
مقاله The Use of Camera Traps for Monitoring the Population of Long-Tailed Gorals
تعداد صفحه : 8
زبان : انگلیسی
منبع : sciencedirect
ژورنال:Journal of Business Research
سال: October 2015
قیمت اصلی:35.96$
Cloud computing offers a better knowledge management process for organizations, thus allowing for more linkage between information systems and managerial requirements. This study proposes the use of social cognitive theory in continuance use intention of technology innovations including cloud computing services. The theoretical framework explores the role of innovativeness, creativity, risk, behavioral control and personal attitude towards the continual use of cloud computing services for technology organizations in Australia. The results will help technology organizations to develop strategies about how creativity and innovativeness can foster better managerial outcomes. Future research suggestions highlight the importance for technology organizations to adapt and evolve their current information systems management practices.